What is Sacred Stream Sanctuary?
Sacred Stream Sanctuary is not a place you can go to.
It is where you already are.
Sacred Stream Sanctuary is the expression of the Ultimate Environment.
Everyone has access to their own personal version of the sacred stream sanctuary.
How do you experience this space that lives between worlds of the transcendental and the tangible? Between what is known and mystery?
artist author advisor
Meet Cassandra Marie Kurth
An artist of many mediums, her greatest creative endeavor is how she lives life itself. Her art, writings, and services are the vehicles that share the Truth living within her.
To share this Truth freely and independently is Cassandra’s ultimate dream.
Certified Natural Health Professional & Certified Endocannabinoid Specialist
by Trinity School of Natural Health
Home Page | Trinity School of Natural Health
Studies Physical Radiesthesia & Spiritual Sciences through Vesica Institue for Holistic Studies
Vesica Institute for Holistic Studies in Biogeometry + Vibrational Science
Newly releasing music on SoundCloud as HermesMuse
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