Our Services


Identify and support imbalances in the etheric body with pendulums. This lesser known practice was used by French priests and doctors in the 1930s and comes from ancient Egyptian temple science.

In Person Only

$40 15 minute session

$80 30 minute session

$200 1 hour session

Celtic Cross Tarot

Traditional 10 card tarot reading using the Celtic Cross spread. This reading provides a map for navigating the querents current patterns and provides tools for introspection.

In Person or Long Distance


Mini Readings available upon request.


An assessment of markers appearing in the querents eyes, specifically the iris. These markers may signify which bodily systems need additional holistic support.

Not a medical diagnosis.

In Person or Long Distance


  • Holistic Palmistry

    Inspection of the overall characteristics of the querent’s hands, nails, and skin that offers insights into the querent’s constitution.

    In Person only


  • Personal Intuitive Poem

    An original poem will be written for the querent and includes an art print for display.

    In Person Only


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