Consciously Evolving Habitable Habituality *From The Archives*

Originally written on November 3rd, 2022, this first blog entry is “From the Archives”. While I plan on sharing my current philosophical processes, at times I will be sharing content that I have written in years past. Upon close inspection you may notice contradictions, paradoxes, and misinterpretations. None of what I say or write should be taken as absolute truth. I am constantly evolving my ideas and beliefs and not all narratives have power in Sacred Stream Sanctuary, even if they are memorialized.

Consciously Evolving Habitable Habituality

An Idea, A Response, A Plan, and Application

A Guide which Supports the Path of
Whole Integrated Embodied Wellness

Evolution as the Singular Force
Emergent Consciousness
Transformation: Making the Habitual, Habitable
Whole Integrated Embodied Wellness: A Support Guide

This four part approach reflects the stability of the form of four.


All parts may be read singularly and will point to the same thing, but in a different way. It's the explanation of life and why we do it.  The exact what and how we do it is left up to the reader and active participant.  There is no specific formula for life, but there is a structure or form to it which can be identified and familiarized so that we may make more intentional choices and direct our life towards an ideal state of being.

Each concept will have at least three definitions.  A poetic, an academic, and a simple way of describing it.  This will create a triangulation around the idea which will ultimately reside somewhere in the shaded region that these points of reference infer.  This is to dispel confusion, rule out what it is not, and to clarify what is being pointed at.  Everyone may interpret information differently according to what they previously have been taught, what beliefs they hold onto, and their current capacity to understand.  There is no one correct way to understand this information.  If this gives any support, clarification, or subtleties that ultimately change your life to be more satisfying, then it has succeeded.


There is a singular, nondual nature, that encompasses, inhabits, creates, preserves, destroys, and is the absolute entirety of everything we have ever known and will know.

An inconsistent constant, a dynamic value that compels adaptation, that which moves the process forward even when it appears to regress or move backwards.

Evolution. Development. Adaptation. Change.

 Whether everything began with nothing, or the inconceivably simple, it began to develop, change, become more mature, advanced, and elaborate.

All names of God, source, the divine, are pointing towards this singular force, which is responsible for absolutely everything. It is the original cause. The force that keeps time moving forward, that has the desire to grow and change, experimenting with various ways to form patterns, creating stars and galaxies, elements and minerals, cells, bacteria, plants, animals, and so on.  It allows forms to die and decay when they exhaust their creative potential or suffer immensely.

Evolution, the creative force itself, experimented blindly, pumping out infinite possibilities through countless ages of trial and error, to most recently arrive here.  Honing evolutionary traits and skills to create a physical vehicle to house the singular force.

The human body.  Our senses directly engage with the environment and sends information to our control center to seemingly instantly make decisions that better our survival chances.  We have the trait to not only listen to our instincts, but have acquired the skill to think rationally.  This allows us to plan for the future and unforeseeable circumstances before they even happen.  We have vivid imaginations to dream of new possibilities.

We are the force of evolution. We are not separate from this that has created all of the universe and its laws.  Our intention, is to engage with our collective creation, the singular force with billions of faces.  We are one in the fact that we are all this force and everything is. There is no opposite to the continuous force of evolution.  Even if it appears to move backwards in time and devolve, it is still evolving forward and changing.  It is still progress that cannot be undone or erased.


Consciousness emerged as evolution progressed as a tool.  This reflective experience allows us to evaluate our choices in real time, predict consequences, and adjust our behaviors to produce a more desired outcome.

This speeds up evolution tremendously.  Without consciousness, evolution happens mainly from generation to generation, passing on successful biological traits that allowed for survival to reproductive age in the current environment.  With consciousness, we are able to selectively change traits, learn skills, and teach others without just relying on instinct.  We can directly show others and learn what is useful to be successful in our current environment and we can do this over and over again constantly.  We do not need to wait to pass on our genes.  We can teach.  This requires consciousness, or the reflective experience.  Non human animals may also experience consciousness to a certain degree, which can be seen through animals teaching others.  We can only observe and guess what is happening in their internal experience.  Most likely, everyone reading this will be human or of human descent, so we will focus on what we directly know and experience.


We know we are the singular force that is responsible for all of life, preservation, and death; Evolution.

As Evolution, We are aware that we have a reflective experience while participating as the human vehicle; Consciousness.

Now we take this knowing and ability to reflect, and apply it to our condition.

We make our Habituality, Habitable.

As Evolution, we repeat patterns because they are successful in some way. They keep the ball rolling, even if we are rolling through shit.  Being aware of these patterns lets us realize, "Hey, this is shit."

By using our ability to predict consequences, we can infer that if we keep repeating the pattern, we will keep rolling through shit.  By taking the reins, we refuse to be a passive participant, we choose a different pattern, and we eventually steer out of the shit.

This, is Transformation.  It's making our habits more livable, more satisfying, more habitable.  We have to have habits. Good luck escaping them completely, it won't happen.  That's okay. You don't need to escape.  You can make your Habituality, Habitable.  You can evolve in a meaningful, intentional direction that causes life to be more interesting, more fun, more adventurous, more calm, more stable, more whatever you imagine it can be.

We get to choose. We are Evolution.  We are Consciousness.  We will transform our patterns into Habitable Habituality.


A path to support Consciously Evolving Habitable Habituality

Whole -Includes entire being, Unified Inner and Outer Experience

Integrated -cause & effect, all is interconnected, coordinating together

Embodiment -lucid presence, expression in tangible form

Wellness-ease of life, ideal health

These four also reflect the four parts mentioned earlier.

Whole is the spiritual essence idea

Integrated is the emotional soul response

Embodiment is the mental mind plan

Wellness is the physical body application

Spirit: Experience Harmony, Balance Inner and Outer Realities, Acceptance as You Are, Releasing Patterns, Microcosm as the Macrocosm

Soul: Freedom of Expression, Feel your Feelings, Safe Outlets for Intense Emotions, Get Out of the Rut, Experience Full Spectrum

Mind: Clear Thinking, Let Go of Negative Spirals, Release from Mental Fog, Creative Ideas Birthed into Reality, Inner Freedom

Body: Joyous Movement, Align with Natural Cycle, Stable Vessel, Acknowledge Wounds, Embody Gratitude

Let's work the opposite way that we have approached this topic.  Now that we are in the application process, we will begin with what is most simple to change.  The habits we engage in with our body.

We want to support habits that promote ideal health and ease of life.  We do not want to promote suffering or try to cause harm. 

Here are some sample ways to encourage behavioral habits in your body that aim towards Whole Integrated Embodied Wellness

Joyous Movement

Move your body in a way that makes you smile, laugh, feel joy, or brings you satisfaction.  This may be dancing, skipping, frolicking, walking, waving your arms about, swinging your legs, making silly faces in a mirror, or literally anything within your physical ability that sparks joy.

Align with Natural Cycles

A great way to do this is to get familiar with your menstrual cycle if you experience this phenomenon.  Otherwise, becoming familiar with the moon and its 28 day cycle or paying closer attention to the change of the seasons.  You may want to journal how your body feels at different times during these natural cycles. A pattern may emerge.  Acknowledge it.

Stable Vessel

Provide regular nourishment and rest for your body.  Try different foods and consume things that make you feel full and satisfied without causing unpleasant sensations. Hydrate your body often. Be hygienic. Get comfortable. Follow a routine if that suits your lifestyle.

Acknowledge Wounds

Not all wounds are initially physical, but long term mental or emotional discomfort may cause pain in certain areas in your body.  Acknowledge all wounds as their memory arises.  Attempt to comfort the wound, offer healing and patience in whatever form suits you.

Embody Gratitude
Be thankful for your body. It allows you to experience everything in life.  It allows movement, provides multiple forms of sensory experience, and is mostly self repairing.  With some input, our bodies give us a mostly stable frame that allows endless exploration, and provides a mental reference point to form memories around.

As a reminder, these are not a formula to follow that will surely enrich your life with ease and ideal health.  These are examples to provide a reference point in your own experimentation.  If we are going to consciously evolve habitable habituality, we need some sort of guidelines or framework to reference when we get lost.  This support guide may act as a map with landmarks to orientate yourself in your unique wilderness.  No need to follow them directly, but freely apply them to your lifestyle.  Whole Integrated Embodied Wellness is not a goal, but a means of traveling through the unknown, aspiring towards a cohesive, holistic experience of life that is enjoyable, and satisfying.

We attended to the Body, the physical manifestation of the singular force, our main means of applying, and supported our wellness.

Our Mind is the mental construction of evolution.  That which enables us to plan and Remember

Self-awareness: This is the ability to understand one's own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It is a key component of personal growth and development.
Self-acceptance: This is the ability to accept oneself, flaws and all. It is essential for living a happy and fulfilling life.
Mindfulness: This is the practice of being present in the moment and aware of one's thoughts and feelings. It can help to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.
Gratitude: This is the practice of expressing appreciation for the good things in one's life. It can help to improve one's mood, outlook, and relationships.
Compassion: This is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It is essential for creating a more peaceful and loving world.
Forgiveness: This is the act of letting go of anger and resentment towards someone who has wronged you. It can help to heal emotional wounds and improve relationships.
Love: This is the most powerful emotion in the world. It can motivate us to do great things and make the world a better place.

End of Archived Entry. Not all entries from The Archives are full and complete thoughts, but they deserve the chance to be read and appreciate just the same.


The Way Simplified *From The Archives*