The Pattern of Psychic Growth Simplified Essay from “Man and his Symbols” by Carl G. Jung

Man and his Symbols

Conceived and edited by Carl G. Jung

Part 3

The Process of Individuation

M.L von Franz

The Pattern of Psychic Growth

P 160-164

Simplified Essay

Cassandra Marie Kurth

January 24th 2025


Dr Jung shows in his work that everything depends on if an interpretation “clicks”.  Is it meaningful to the individual?  May this simplified essay of this chapter click for others as it has for myself.  My intention for these simplified essays is to give full credit to the original authors and to offer their profound work in a more easily accessible format.


The Unconscious is The Self; the inventor, organizer, and source of all dream images.  This organizing center is the nucleus of our psyche.  The totality of Self is both center and entire sphere with Consciousness being a bright shining field on the surface. Ego is the center of this surface field.


Dreams are the messengers of the Unconscious. The Unconscious communicates with the ego through symbols in our dreams. With careful observation over multiple years, an individual’s dreams will form an arrangement or pattern unique to them.  Figures, landscapes, and situations are developed themes of the Unconscious.  Change in these patterns are accelerated if the symbolic content influences the dreamer’s conscious attitude.


Naskapi Indians of the Labrador Peninsula are isolated in small family groups that lack customs, religious rituals or ceremonies, and festivals.  Through solitude, they rely on their inner voice and unconscious revelations.  Their most basic belief is that the soul of man is their “inner companion”, my friend.


The inner companion begins as an inborn possibility.  It may emerge slightly or relatively completely during a lifetime.  How it develops depends on how willing the ego is to listen.  The inner companion becomes more real to the receptive person than one who ignores their presence.


The Self is our inner companion. Those who pay attention to their inner companion can find deeper meaning and test their truth by consciously observing their dreams.  The ego is necessary as an outward light, allowing the symbols of the Unconscious to become real expressions of the Individual’s truth.

As humans, we are able to make a living connection with this involuntary urge to become fully realized.  We are able to be conscious in our development even if we cannot force it.  By making decisions of our own free will we can gain satisfaction of actively cooperating with the inner companion through the Process of Individuation.


The creatively active aspect of the psyche only comes into play when ego removes purpose and wishful aims.  Ego must submit to its basic function as a gateway for the Unconscious to be expressed outwardly.  It must listen attentively to give itself fully to the inner urge toward growth.


Instead of thinking of what one ought to do or what is generally thought of as right, one only needs to listen in order to learn what the inner companion wants to do in any situation.  Give inward to the impulse that is the urge for unique, creative self-realization.


It is a process where you must repeatedly seek out and find what is not yet known.  The guiding hints come from Self, not ego.  Living is an emotionally charged experience, irrational by nature and ever-changing.  There is no formula beyond this basic principle.


The 4 Aspects of Whole Integrated Embodied Wellness *From The Archives*