Welcome to Sacred Stream Sanctuary

A safe space where inner reflections are expressed through paintings, poetry, music, and other forms.

Transformation of the Transcendental into the Tangible

Transformation of the Transcendental into the Tangible

Bringing Ecstatic Dance to the Northwoods

Listen up.

Experimental music and verbal musings created as HermesMuse.

Featured Art

Evergreen Shadows on the River

Natural Repose

Solemn Shore

The Vision

Sacred Stream Sanctuary is the abode where creative inspiration takes form. A place that exists between moments of time, somewhere beyond mind and matter. A holy meeting place where union between the transcendental and the tangible occurs.


definition: Seeking knowledge of the unknown through means beyond scientific understanding.

Various holistic consultations offered in person at local events and through long distance communication.

  • Identify and support imbalances in the etheric body with pendulums. This lesser known practice was used by French priests and doctors in the 1930s and comes from ancient Egyptian temple science.

    In Person Only

  • Traditional 10 card tarot reading using the Celtic Cross spread. This reading provides a map for navigating the querents current patterns and provides tools for introspection.

    In Person or Long Distance

  • An assessment of markers appearing in the querents eyes, specifically the iris. These markers may signify which bodily systems need additional holistic support.

    Not a medical diagnosis.

    In Person or Long Distance

  • Inspection of the overall characteristics of the querent’s hands, nails, and skin that offers insights into the querent’s constitution.

    In Person only

  • An original poem will be written for the querent and includes an art print for display.

    In Person Only


Excerpts from my articles, musings, and essays

“We are the force of evolution. We are not separate from this that has created all of the universe and its laws.  Our intention, is to engage with our collective creation, the singular force with billions of faces.”

“The simplest pattern is the clearest
Be Content with ordinary life and you become one with the Universe
This is your true Nature
Do what you enjoy, Be completely present
Express yourself, Trust your natural responses”

“The creatively active aspect of the psyche only comes into play when ego removes purpose and wishful aims.  Ego must submit to its basic function as a gateway for the Unconscious to be expressed outwardly.  It must listen attentively to give itself fully to the inner urge toward growth.”

Upcoming events

  • Holistic Wellness Fair

    The Pines Event Center

    March 22nd 2025


    “Our soul purpose is to create connections of the body, mind, and consciousness.” -Jesa Robinson

    Connect with hands on healers, psychic readers, and vendors.

    Free Admission

  • Ecstatic Dance

    Marywood Franciscan Spirituality Center

    March 25th


    An immersice experience of self-expression, connection, and transformation through movement and music.

    $20 admission

  • Ecstatic Dance

    The Creative Spirit

    April 5th, 2025

    An immersive experience of self-expression, connection, and transformation through movement and music.

    $20 admission

  • Ecstatic Dance

    Marywood Franciscan Spirituality Center

    April 26th, 2025


    An immersive experience of self-expression, connection, and transformation through movement and music.

    $20 admission

Support Us*

Enjoy exploring Sacred Stream Sanctuary?

Consider supporting the cost of hosting this website, share content on your social media, or purchase artwork through Stark Wild Artistry.

*Donating to HermesMuse through ko-fi is completely optional. The donator understands that no product or service will be received through this free will offering. Donating supports the cost of hosting the website “Sacred Stream Sanctuary”, purchasing music tracks to be used at Ecstatic Dance events, and other costs associated with these events.

Contact Us

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